Home Forums WoodMart support forum Woocommerce Gift Card Functionality issue “Send as Gift” disappeared

Woocommerce Gift Card Functionality issue “Send as Gift” disappeared

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  • #464456


    I did a plugin health check for the Woocommerce gift card functionality:

    When in health check mode: The Plugin worked with no issues
    When I activated both Child and Core themes: there was an issue, the “Send as Gift Card option” disappeared and the fields appeared to send as a gift card. (Check the screenshots)

    Please help me troubleshoot this.

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    Luke Nielsen


    I see that you use Layouts so most likely, the hook that calls that checkbox is missing. In cases of lack of hooks on the Layout page we have the “WooCommerce hooks” element which helps to enable missed hooks.


    You can also reach out to us if you have any questions.

    Kind Regards



    How do I add the hook please using elementor?


    Luke Nielsen


    I see that you built the product page via Layouts, so you need to go to Dashboard -> Layouts -> Single product and define that element: https://take.ms/prLBa . In general, we don’t know which hook exactly needs for showing that checkbox so you can either try to select all hooks one by one or contact plugin developers for help.

    Kind Regards

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