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Problems with Filter Widgets

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  • #464468



    1. AJAX shop behaviour

    We wanted to activate the option
    „Product archive > Shop filters > Stop close filters after click“.

    It’s not mentioned there, but it seems, that this only works, when this is also activated:
    „Product archive > AJAX shop“.

    If thats the case, than it would be very useful to mention this requirement in the theme options for „Stop close filters after click“.

    2. AJAX Scroll to top behaviour with Fixed Header

    When activating AJAX shop we also need to activate the setting:
    „Product archive > Scroll to top after AJAX“.

    Because especially for pagination it’s frustrating, when the page still shows end of the page, after loading the products from this page.

    But after AJAX, the page scrolls with incorrect offset in combination with fixed header.

    You can see it here:
    When activating a filter, a part of the header is outside of the screen, therefore only the lower half of the logo is visible.

    3. Better Filtering Experience without AJAX needed

    The main reason for not activating AJAX is the page speed. When AJAX is activated, everytime the products are loaded directly via PHP/datebase, even when a cached version of this page is available via cache plugin like WP Rocket.

    But we do neet a better filtering experience. For reasons of space we can’t activate the option
    „Product archive > Shop filters > Shop filters are always opened“.

    But we don’t want the customer to open filter area manually every time after one filter is activated.

    Is it possible e.g. to don’t filter automatically, but add one separate „Filter“ button to the filter area?
    Maybe it would also be nice to save the open/close status via local cookie.

    Thank you in advance.



    I have submitted the case to our developers for consideration.

    We will get back to you soon.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    1. Yes this option works with AJAX only.

    2. This can be implemented with custom CSS.

    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    add_filter( 'woodmart_ajax_scroll_offset', function ( $offset ) {
    	return 200;

    3. Unfortunately, it is not possible.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards




    is that really the correct location for this code?
    Based on the writing, I would rather place it into functions.php in the child theme folder.



    I am terribly sorry, this code should be inserted into function.php of the child theme. You are right.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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