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Page reviews

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  • #471579


    Hi guys!

    I need your help.

    I created a page dedicated only to products with reviews.

    I would like to be able to put the products in the list in order with DATE from the most recent.

    Unfortunately it doesn’t work.

    It seems to not save option from newest or oldest.

    I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong. But I believe it is correct from the settings I choose..

    from DATE to Ascending… (it should therefore be the products that receive the evaluations from the most recent onwards.. correct?)

    I am attaching a video and an image.

    The attached image was taken from the Shop page, on this page on the left side there is the correct list of evaluations, these are those sorted by the most recent date.

    Unfortunately the page I’m working on doesn’t give the same result, it seems to show a list from the oldest onwards and with everything I try to change the option doesn’t seem to work.

    I’ll put the url of the page I’m working on in a private copy together with the data to enter the Staging site. (on this site you can do all the necessary tests)

    Let me know
    I’ll wait for you here!
    Thanks for your help!

    Greetings 🙂

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    Luke Nielsen


    The thing is that the “Top rated products” already have order with sorting so as a result the “Order by” filed will not work: https://take.ms/kDYK2


    Don’t hesitate to let me know if you need any further help or any other info.

    Kind Regards



    Hi Luke

    Thanks for your help and work. 🙂

    Ok everything you explained is clear.

    The problem is that I need to be able to place the products in order from the most recently voted.

    I saw that it sorts you from Oldest.

    I need this to work well

    We can do something?

    Should I use another method?

    Can you help me figure out how to fix?

    I really need to generate a page with the latest reviews received from newest date to oldest.

    Let me know my friend.

    I would be grateful



    Luke Nielsen


    Sorry, but now we don’t have such a solution for making sorting by the most recently voted, unfortunately.

    I will send this idea to the team and they consider it.

    Don’t hesitate to let me know if you need any further help or any other info.

    Kind Regards



    ok tanks


    Luke Nielsen


    If there’s anything you need, please write me or another member of our help desk team.

    We’re here for you!

    Kind Regards

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