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video player with some issues

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  • #483254



    I’m putting videos in my products, like in this example:
    1st problem is that I can’t use the simplified method, it gets buggy and I can’t play.
    2ยบ Is that leaving it in normal mode, at the end of the video it appears the message “Watch it again on Youtube”
    This button sucks, because it makes the customer leave the website and the product page.
    3rd The video link placed down there on the registration page, does not work, it gives an error when trying to play the video.

    I would like to show the video with less distraction and not allow him to leave the product page, and if he wants to watch it again, see simple, I tried to watch it again and I can’t.

    Can you help with that?


    Luke Nielsen


    I apologize for the delay.

    Please confirm the permission for plugins deactivation, and switching to the parent/default theme. As soon as we complete the testing we will enable all back.

    Looking forward to collaborating with you!

    Kind Regards

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