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hover to show all the information

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  • #483842


    I chose the first in the product style, hover to show all the information (see the first picture) but on the phone there is still a button (see the second picture), can I block the button, and when I chose to hover to show all the information when it has some problems on the computer, it needs to wait for the name of the hover to appear to click on the name in order to access to the product(At this time, you can only click on the product name, click on the picture is no response), can there be a section of the code as long as you click on the product image anywhere in the product can be accessed!



    I am afraid it is not possible. Mobile devices do not have hover events by their nature.

    That is why it is not possible to show a summary on hover.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    I mean is there any way to make it so that it only shows a product image and just click on the image to go to the product?



    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    @media (min-width: 1025px) {
    .wd-hover-info-alt .top-information,
    .wd-hover-info-alt .product-element-top:before {
    	pointer-events: none;
    .wd-hover-info-alt .top-information > * {
    	pointer-events: auto;

    Best Regards

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