Hello, I’m contacting you because this morning wordpress has been updated to wordpress 6.3 and now I have a translation problem. I use the loco translate plugin and my site is in French.
The problem is as follows: I had translated elements that were in English by default using locotranslate, and everything was working fine. Now, if I go to my site while logged in, all the translations made with loco translate are present, but if I go to private browsing, the translated elements are in English, but if I go to another page, the translations are there. Basically, the translations come and go depending on the page, and if someone creates an account, the whole site will be in French. It’s very weird. I’ll show you some screenshots to illustrate.
I hope you can help me, it’s very important, the site is live and everything must be in French as before.
Thanks in advance 🙂
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