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Please replace the pages with custom links: https://monosnap.com/file/ut3hL6b5QxtW5ANRGr16MNQP5OOJBA and select the custom HTML block: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/create-mega-menu/

Please remove the custom CSS and add this code to the functions.php of the child theme:

if ( ! function_exists('wd_revers_cart_content')) {
		function wd_revers_cart_content( $cart_contents ) {
			if ( $cart_contents && is_array( $cart_contents ) ) {
				$cart_contents = array_reverse( $cart_contents );

			return $cart_contents;

		add_action('woocommerce_before_mini_cart_contents', function () {
			add_action('woocommerce_get_cart_contents', 'wd_revers_cart_content');
		add_action('woocommerce_after_mini_cart', function () {
			remove_action('woocommerce_get_cart_contents', 'wd_revers_cart_content');

Best Regards