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Product Page ACTUAL price not showing instead it shows a range of prices

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  • #494298


    We have a product with variation
    The theme shows the range of prices example $21-$30 instead of showing the actual price of the selected variation.
    If we select to show the lowest price of the range ($21) then the actual price of the product is completely different than the one showing …

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    First, ensure that you have correctly set the prices for your product variations in WooCommerce. Go to your product’s edit page in the WordPress admin and verify that the prices for each variation are accurate.

    If the issue remains, share the wp logins details of your site i will check and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards.



    Not sure what you mean by accurate price … the variations have prices full stop. And the bug with woodmart is – you can set the price for the lowest variation to display instead of the price range but when you select a variation – the price stays at the lowest price so we now have conflicting prices. Also we can set a default variation for the product so the theme will display its price when you click on that product it displays the default variation and its price … but as soon as you select a different variation – the price at the bottom changes but the price at the top of the product description (where the price range is) does not change to the selected variation’s price …

    Second bug. When you add more than 2 slides to a slider – and remove the auto-play – you also lose or have no option to stop scrolling at the last slide instead you can flip through the slides indefinitely … pls add an option to stop or fix it pls



    Could you please check how it works with some default WordPress themes like TwentyTwenty or WooCommerce Storefront to understand is it our theme issue or not?




    Can you please replicate this at your end with your theme and a product with variations probably the best way to test this. In the variation put a sale price and regular price … then select that variation on website to see the difference … Theme needs to display the “SELECTED VARIATION” price — but it doesnt it just displays the RANGE of prices – have a look at this screenshot and you can also login to have a look
    username: pi685dev
    password: )b@diet1XeOoKwy!5c5@T&aV

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    I have checked your site and it is not a theme issue. Could you please check how it works with some default WordPress themes like TwentyTwenty or WooCommerce Storefront to understand is it our theme issue or not?

    Best Regards.



    We don’t have other themes plus this might break the work we’ve done so far. Can you please replicate this at your end we’re wasting too much time on this. Stop blaming stuff and fix this please. This is a bug in the theme. You can select a range of prices or the least price of all variations but when you select a variation whatever it is … – the theme does not display the variation price …

    I want you to give me evidence please of your testing and why this would not be your theme’s issue.
    This could be a chance for you to have this looked at and fix for future releases of the theme. Dont ignore this please.

    Can you replicate at your end and tell me the result as evidence



    Now, I am not able to login your site, please share the login URL and WP admin login details in the private content area so I will check the issue and give you the possible solution.

    Best Regards.



    It would be nice if you can fix this please so we dont have to hire a third-party developer to look into it – mind you this is your theme. thanks



    There is an issue with the 3rd party plugins. Please deactivate all the 3rd party plugins and activate only theme-required plugins on the site and then check the issue. I am sure your issue will be solved. Then Activate the 3rd party plugins one by one and check which plugin is creating the issue for you.

    Otherwise, if the issue still exists then keep the 3rd party plugins deactivated and share the WP admin login details of your site so I will check and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards.



    We have wasted so much time because you’re stubborn to admit this is a theme problem after all developers looked at this. All you need to do is replicate this at your end – it is the best reproduction of the issue. We have disable all plugins and this has got nothing to do with plugins.

    Your theme’s product page setup has 2 options:
    1) Show the range of prices for a variations of a product
    2) Show the least price of the variations

    We want to show the least price or at least the price of a default selected variation

    When you do this – the price under the label of the product does not change … this is a 101 issue of a product page.
    This is not working on the theme.

    Also if you had done work on the site – the menu has now disappeared and the shopping trolley and wishlist icons have now returned on top of the product pictures … we disabled this using css because the theme does not have an option to disable these. These are old school design stuff. I have already sent you the logins please fix these issues.



    Please share the logins of your site, you have changed the logins, I am not able to login to your site anymore. I will forward this to the lead devleoper he will check and solve the issue.

    Best Regards.



    Can you please yes escalate this to the developer – this is for them to check and to help improve the theme. This is an important feedback for the theme’s future. This has nothing to do with any plugins or prices or anything – logically – none of those are sensible causes so we’re wasting time. Trust me I’ve used WP for almost 20 years. Please escalate



    Your issue has been solved. Please check the site after removing the browser cache.

    Best Regards.



    The issue is not resolved and you keep wasting our time. We dont want to see the stupid range of prices we want to see the lowest price and when the customer selects a variation it should display the price of that variation and thats not happening. I cannot believe how long this has been going. Pls read and fix


    Artem Temos


    By default, there is no such functionality in WooCommerce. Our theme has special options for this in Shop -> Variable products. https://gyazo.com/cf6fded3ef062cb5d589317b3f8a15c4
    Here is a video of how it should work https://gyazo.com/fe202c073394ab271d467d86063178f8

    But these options are broken when you enable AliDropship Woo Plugin because it adds his own functionality for variable products. You need to either use our theme’s options or the plugin’s ones.

    Kind Regards



    Can you fix this in the theme … alidropship woo support says the theme should pick up on any selected variation’s product and they dont touch this at all .

    the product price remains in lowest price of all variations disregarding which variation is selected … pls help fix

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    Artem Temos


    Could you please clarify what exactly should we fix? As we said, our special options for the duplicated price will not work with this plugin. Please, disable them first and let us know if it works well.

    Kind Regards

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