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Always problems after updates

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  • #495955


    Every time I update the theme is always serious problems after the update and its getting REALLY annoying.

    First problem and MOST CRICIAL, I updated the theme and now I LOST ALL PRE’ORDERS MADE ON MY WEBSITE

    Second problem, My categories manu stopped working.

    Im really getitng tired of going to here to solve problems with your theme.

    Make it good and dont make it to us always have to come back to support to fix the shit you do.

    Your theme errors directly affected my business multiple times.



    Luke Nielsen


    Please, disable all plugins that are not related to our theme and provide us with your admin access. We will log in and check what is wrong there. You can leave only the following plugins that are required for our theme:
    WoodMart core
    Elementor/WPBakery page builder

    Thank you in advance

    Kind Regards

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