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I took the instagram code off from the child theme. I left only the code to open the instagram links on a blank page:

function basel_product_instagram() {
		$hashtag = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),  '_basel_product_hashtag', true );
		if( empty( $hashtag ) ) return;
			<div class="basel-product-instagram">
				<p class="product-instagram-intro"><?php printf( wp_kses( __('Tag your photos with <span>%s</span> on Instagram.', 'basel') , array('span' => array())), $hashtag ); ?></p>
				<?php echo basel_shortcode_instagram( array(
					'username' => esc_html( $hashtag ),
					'number' => 8,
					'size' => 'large',
					'target' => '_blank',
					'design' => '',
					'spacing' => 0,
					'rounded' => 0,
					'per_row' => 4
				) ); ?>

What else can it be?