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Bogdan Donovan
1. Space between the main page content and the footer depends on the following things:
a. Bottom padding/margin of your last section content (https://prnt.sc/GFLfK3zbNpN5).
b. Default content margin-bottom which is always is 40px (https://prnt.sc/Kt2Z2McQVWCH).
c. Appearance of “prefooter area” on your page, which by default adds padding-bottom: 50px
d. Top padding/margin of your first footer section content (https://prnt.sc/iOJt_XGuDBJO).
In your case, you need to:
a. Check all your pages built with Elementor, find the last content sections, and remove all margin-bottom/padding-bottom values to ensure that they are not adding extra bottom space or have negative values (example from your homepage https://prnt.sc/_-xdxIwqeXbr)
c. Disable prefooter area by deselecting the following empty HTML block (https://prnt.sc/LJpEtvSW_xMl) located in Theme settings -> Footer -> Prefooter- Prefooter content. Or disable prefooter by enabling “Disable prefooter” on each individual page (https://prnt.sc/sfw7BZ1_UJt1) in page metabox section.
d. Check your footer content first section and reset all margin-top/padding-top values to ensure that they are not adding extra top space or don’t have negative values creating overlap on other page content. (example from your footer https://prnt.sc/tttEJwOBgbxW)
2. Footer side gap. Your full-width footer has a gap from the left side because you have added a side margin 25px to the full-width element, which creates the gap. Try to navigate to your footer section and remove margin-left/margin-right values shown on the screenshot (https://prnt.sc/p9Mcnc3uhJku)
3. Try to add the following code snippet to the Custom CSS area in Theme Settings to change the header icons’ font size. You can adjust values to the desired one.
.whb-main-header .wd-tools-element .wd-tools-icon:before {
font-size: 16px;
Kind Regards