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Hung Pham
Hi manfred_macht,
Thanks for reaching to us.
1. Blog is without Articles: https://i.imgur.com/CE4Q4Qo.png
The posts are showing fine on my end, please double check https://prnt.sc/GJEA9Y65gi5K
2. Format Error on Shopping Cart, the Line on prices: https://i.imgur.com/8R0pwax.png
The space between the columns are very narrow, you can disable sidebar on Cart page to make it looks better. You can do it by editting page, scroll down to Page Settings https://prnt.sc/GF_bey-LR1hU
3. Mobile Version Product Preview on shop page or mainpage: Check yourselfs please, cant make an image
Seems you are referring to image heights are not same. If so, navigate to Theme Settings > Product archives -> Products styles, here you can enable Even product grid for desktop option to align products if they have different height components.
You can enable it for specific devices as well https://prnt.sc/ASt5z0mmasuz
Please refer to article for more details https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/image-size-and-content-alignment-in-a-product-grid/
4. Blog Articel on Dashboard View: https://i.imgur.com/BqrLwVY.png
and after Publishing, no change, only Title changes directly, content dont change: https://i.imgur.com/WGV9wig.png
I can see the content modified and both front-end and editor are same. Please confirm me back if you resolved it.