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Duplicate store items showing up on front page

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  • #50366


    Hello –

    Took my site live and am now noticing an issue using the Featured Products Slider, on the front page.

    I called the section “Trending Products” and I have two tabs, one for “Featured” and one for “On Sale.” I have the slider set up to show 8 items, with a “load more” button below it.

    I have close to 90 products, but when I “load more” on either tab, the second 8 items that load, duplicate some of the first 8 items!

    I didn’t notice this happening when it was still on our dev site.

    Any idea why this is happening, or is there a fix?





    This is the way the “Load more” feature works with random products. It uploads random products including first pages.

    Try to deactivate random products

    Best Regards



    Right, a “random” pull of products means it should be pulling from the 90 items I have available, and not DUPLICATING items within the first 16 items pulled!

    That is ridiculous for it to pull duplicates.

    What do you mean “deactivate” random products? You have to make a selection to make those sliders work, like: “random”, “recent”, etc.



    Never mind. I fixed it.

    I chose to show by “date” and it resolved the problem.

    You should be able to pull by “random” items and have it actually SHOW random items, and not duplicates, as long as you have enough items to pull.



    Artem Temos

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to adapt “random” products selection for elements that have “load more” button or any other kind of custom pagination. So you just need to use some other type of order.



    Thanks. Feel free to close this.

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