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Product categories in MENU, text in 2 rows

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  • #508581



    I see that that one page is using Woodmart theme and they have product categories as menu.

    How to achieve the same effect, that when You have more words in category name, You can divide them in 2 rows?

    As this is not my page, I blurred the image, but adding link to their page as private content, so You can take a look if needed.

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    The product category has the option to set the rows and columns.

    Every separate site (if it is not a testing domain) requires a separate license.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Thanks, but this is not, what I was asking. 🙂
    I made new image to better explain..

    So there is menu with open categories. Horizontally. I need the same effect as in page, which I have sent You – some categories are written in one line, some are in two lines.

    About licenses I know. That is why I asking if I can make the same effect, so I can buy one more license to build the next page.

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    Please check and follow this manual: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/product-category-menu/

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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