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Our website is extremely slow after adding image variation

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  • #511452


    Hello Xtemos
    Our website is extremely slow after adding image variation and we’re facing critical issues regarding website speed.

    We tried to attach a video for reference but unfortunately we couldn’t because we got an error instead

    Our login credentials has been sent you yesterday. And we’re sending it once again.


    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos


    Could you please check how it works with some default WordPress themes like TwentyTwenty or WooCommerce Storefront to understand is it our theme issue or not?




    Definitely, it is the theme. We double-checked.

    We need our website to be fast. We are using one of the fastest hosting but we’re disappointed with the Woodmart theme performance.
    We need our website to be fast especially when changing from one page to another or from one product to another. We’ll do our best to follow up with Xtemos support.



    Artem Temos

    Thank you. Please, write step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce the issue. Also, allow us to switch between themes to compare the performance.



    Hi, We will write how to replicate the problem and show it on video with evidence of showing you how fast our internet speed is and a comparison between our website and other websites while it is really obvious that the theme is extremely slow and you can check by yourself that you have the login credentials and you don’t really need to log in to know that there is some real collateral damage on the website because of the theme.

    As you asked to change the theme to twenty-twenty-four and Woocommerce storefront themes we did and it was better than Woodmart’s results.

    Because of the Theme today, we’re unable to change anything on the website because it has become extremely slow.

    All These problems started after adding image variations to most products. We’re still going to add videos to products can you imagine the amount of doubt that we are in?

    Current problems

    1. When moving from one page to another.
    2. When changing the product variation on the main page.

    here is some proof of 2 videos inside a folder that we are sending here on Google Drive via this link below because images won’t be enough to explain the problem



    Artem Temos

    Please, disable all plugins that are not related to our theme and switch to the default theme so we can compare the loading time between themes.

    Kind Regards



    Only woodmart related plugins are activated. We did all all these trouble shooting methods and scenarios and we’re 100% sure that the problem is from the woodmart theme. We’re on 10web superfast cloud hosting so next don’t blame it on the hosting provider. Will you enter our website and fix the theme speed or not. We’re waiting for that kind of support. We explained our problem.


    Artem Temos

    Please, switch to the default theme as we asked so we can compare the loading time between that and Woodmart.

    Thank you



    Check it’s 100% percent the woodmart theme problem we changed the theme to twenty twenty four so kindly check
    These are 2 screen records that prove that the problem is from the theme.

    Kind regards


    Artem Temos

    We just tested shop page and product page response time and it is approximately 1.2-1.7 seconds for uncached pages both with WoodMart and Storefront. Here are screenshots



    Note that our theme may be a bit slower because it has a lot more elements displayed on the page. But in general, we don’t see any performance issues on the shop page and single product page when all plugins are disabled.

    Kind Regards



    We see that you cancelled the image variation on the home and shop page. They are Woodmart components. Why did you cancel it. Put it back and let’s measure the speed again.

    Kind regards


    Artem Temos

    OK, we have enabled this option and now it takes a bit longer to load https://gyazo.com/09de5d29403d02fe346f37f16c668730
    But note that this feature loads a lot of variations of data on the shop page. And obviously, it will take more time than with the default theme. However it is not a problem since this data will be cached and will not impact the performance a lot.

    Kind Regards



    No that’s not right because when product variations are added and when clicked on to choose a product variation to add to cart. The image is not loading or lagging forever or gettingstuck like you see on this video on this link – https://we.tl/t-5gLU7DexVn

    No other plugin than woodmart is activated so there’s no excuse. We need a solution now.



    Artem Temos

    We just tested this functionality on your website and it takes less than a second to add the variation to the cart and almost instantly loads an image. Please, check the video https://gyazo.com/bda06a8df5652dc0c266d1ad665f4346



    We are looking for mobile responsive results. The one you showed on video is desktop version. Kindly check it on any iPhone or android device.

    Waiting to see real results on our mobiles.




    Are we connected? We still waiting for the mobile results.



    Artem Temos


    Yes, we tested it on mobile phones too and it works fast. Here is a video https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P-5LNCNo2_34yPL7UZnu2SqWK4bzuZhS/view?usp=sharing

    Kind Regards



    We saw the video. But we didn’t get these results that we wanted yet. It is still slow from our side. And on your video you didn’t move from on page to another. Start from the home page till you reach the checkout to see how the process gets stuck in the first place. ..

    If the problem is in wordpress tell us frankly so we change to shopify. We need a fast website not just any website.


    Artem Temos

    We tested everything on your website and in most cases it loads fast. It is not as fast as the WordPress website should be and has some random lags from time to time. But it looks like a server problem since it looks the same way with the default theme. Changing to Shopify will probably not help under the same conditions.
    We recommend you consult with your server provider and try to test some other hosting for trial periods to compare the loading speed.

    Kind Regards

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