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Login pop-up problem after minifying

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    I have a little problem with the login pop-up. I checked the forum to see what cache/minify plugins you recommend and i finally installed BWP Minify and Cache Enabler. But the problem is the same with both of them. When i activate the minifying, if i want to login to the shop i go with the mouse over the account icon on the header, the pop-up appears, i write the credentials and I click “log in”. After that, the login pop-up redirects me to the log in page, instead of actually take action and letting me log in.
    Am i doing something wrong?


    Artem Temos


    Thank you so much purchasing our theme and contacting our support center.Hi,

    Could you please send us a link to your website where we can see this issue?

    Kind Regards




    I found a way to avoid this. By excluding woodmart-theme on BWP Minify plugin.

    Thank you!


    Artem Temos

    Great, we are glad that you sorted it out.



    Hello again,

    1. It seems that the problem is still there. Can you take a look please?

    I’ll tell you what i found until now:
    Sometimes if i clear cache the problem seems to be solved, but after letting it be for a while the same problem appears again, or maybe it never has gone.
    Disabling some file minifying doesn’t help. The files i have on the “NOT minify” list are the basics that the template needs to work. If not, the sliders, google maps and other things will not work.

    This problem appeared just after installing the cache and minifying plugin. But according with the other posts, the plugins used are compatible.

    2. Also, i have another problem with translations. To be more specific, the template doesn’t take my “product/s” word translation. This word is on the top categories in the shop page.

    Thank you so much!


    Artem Temos


    1. We just tested your website and didn’t notice any problems with login. When we submit the form we are logged in and stay on the same page.

    2. Please, send us a screenshot of the word you are not able to translate.





    1. Before write the reply i cleared the cache. But i’ll write you again when it happens and then i’ll let it be for you to see what happens.
    Check img1 – here you have a explanation of what happens.

    2. Check img2

    Thank you!


    Artem Temos


    1. Try to use WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache plugin instead.

    2. You need to click on “Sync” button in Loco Translate to actualize the translations.




    1. I’ll try one of these. It will be very helpful if in the documentation or in a post you can publish the best settings for caching plugins and which one use to have 100% compatibility.

    2. I tried this but still the same.


    Artem Temos

    Here is a word that should be translated after “Sync” is clicked https://gyazo.com/bf7bdbbf696c3792ba59a2d457258411




    Sorry, my bad. I did what you said again, i loaded again the translation, i synced it and now everything is fine.

    Thank you very much!


    Artem Temos

    Great, you are welcome!




    After testing with WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache plugin, the same thing happens. I think is some conflict between the cache plugin and the js of that login form. If i clear the cache, everything is fine and works like a charm. Please, could you review the code, that part of the login form? Maybe there are more people with this problem and this will help them too.

    Btw, when i test the website with mozilla i receive the folowing “connection errors”: (see bellow). All of them are about the fonts.

    Thank you!


    Artem Temos


    Currently, we don’t see the login popup on your website. Could you please enable it? And also check how our demo works for you? We also use WP Super cache plugin.




    I disabled that feature for now. If it doesn’t work, i see no reason to keep it there. I just enabled it and i’ll do some tests more with the new update. I checked you demo and it works pretty well (but as i don’t have access to the admin panel and i cannot login, i can’t say too much. The problem is when someone try to login from the dropdown login form), but you also use a CDN service. What i saw is that the theme make a lot of requests. With “Cache Enabled” activated, i see the requests dropping to 3/4 (from 240+ to 120), what is a lot. Also a better response, faster website and better user experience. The only inconvenience is the dropdown login form.


    Artem Temos

    Very strange, but we didn’t have a chance to reproduce it on your website and still don’t see the problem.



    Can you check now? It happens again and i left the cache as it is for you to see the event. If i clear cache everything will be ok again. This happens with every caching plugin, but there are some plugins where is not continuous, but as it is now you can see and understand better what happens.

    Thank you!



    Please provide your account to check the login form.

    Best Regards



    Here you have the credentials. Thank you!


    Artem Temos

    Could you please provide us your admin and FTP access also?



    To login to the adminsitration panel you can use the credentials that i sent you above and bellow you have the ftp username and pass.

    Thank you!


    Artem Temos

    We checked that the cache is turned on but the login form works well now https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dvbe1G6At5TNfmPqEt5qYIrHxKstvWkY/view




    Thank you for your time and for checking everything. If you clear the cache everything works fine, but now, the same happens. It only happens after some time after you cleared the cache.
    Please, have a look now.


    Artem Temos

    It is still working well for us https://gyazo.com/b8a83e42da8452b2f6f8c8829e4aedea




    I checked again from 3 browsers from another pc and 2 browsers on a mobile device, to be sure that no browser cache is left. I just found out a detail. I think that is something important.
    As you see in the main video (the larger one), only if i login from the homepage appears the error. When i try to login from the pop-up in another, it seems to work well. (check at 1:33min – same on mobile)


    Artem Temos

    Try to edit the file plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-wc-form-handler.php and replace this line

    if ( ! empty( $_POST['login'] ) && wp_verify_nonce( $nonce_value, 'woocommerce-login' ) ) {

    with this one

    if ( ! empty( $_POST['login'] ) ) {

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