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Woocommerce product page, store page loads very slowly!!!!

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  • #516556


    Hey Woodmart! Woocommerce product pages, store pages are loading very slowly! Whenever it comes to Woocommerce pages load very slowly.
    First of all, I have to explain that my server is Cloudways’ 4-core, 4GB server, which can fully load my website. Because my website is not online yet, there is no traffic or visitors.
    In the support ticket #511238, I am very disappointed with Artem Temos. He is not capable of solving my appeals. Maybe he has a negative attitude towards my appeals. So in this support ticket I hope you can assign someone to me who can solve the problem.
    I chatted with two Cloudways technical support guys, and they both pointed out that my website was very slow because of the theme. Here is the transcript of our chat:


    I can share my WordPress backend login credentials and server FTP permissions with you. Also, I have cloned a WordPress application in the server, and you can test it there.
    Again, I’m happy with the functionality of the theme, but I can’t praise the speed of the theme. Because there are many voices in the forum about slow theme loading, I saw many people in the forum who are very dissatisfied with the speed of the theme!
    My question is to help me find out why Woocommerce product pages, store pages, category pages load slowly! Because it is really slow, it takes at least 20 seconds to load!
    I sincerely hope you can help me! ! !
    Really, I don’t want you to be like Artem Temos, who only knows how to deal with me but doesn’t help me solve any problems!


    Artem Temos


    I have checked your shop page one more time and see that server response time is 10-12 seconds. Note that the number of CSS files doesn’t influence the server response time. There are two different direction of the website performance: backend and frontend. Lets go ahead and start with backend first.
    You need to understand what is the cause for such a long server response. It might be a server, theme or plugins. That is why, please, disable all plugins that are not related to our theme and switch to the default theme temporarily. Also, you can disable cache plugin while testing your server response time.

    Kind Regards



    After Cloudways staff checked the server’s plug-in slow log, it showed that elementor and woocommerce’s requests to the server were too slow! I don’t know if this is true, please help me test it! I have uploaded screenshots

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    Artem Temos


    I cannot confirm or deny this because I don’t have such tools as your server provider. But if they say that the problem is caused by these plugins then it is not something caused by WoodMart.

    We can try to help you identify why they are so slow if you disable all plugins that are not related to our theme and switch to the default theme so we can do a few tests.

    Kind Regards



    To be honest, I’m already tired. I don’t know if the two plug-ins, Elementor and WooCommerce, are incompatible with the theme, or if there is a problem with the two plug-ins themselves, or if the theme is incompatible with these two plug-ins. These two plug-ins were brought with me when I installed the Woodmart theme. Logically speaking, there should not be such a serious mistake between you.
    The server my website uses is very good. I also installed the WProcket cache plug-in premium version. I also use Cloudflare Enterprise, global CDN, image optimization, and I have tried everything to speed up the website. I really can’t figure it out. What is causing my website to be so slow. As long as the pages related to woocommerce are very slow, the product page is slow, the store page is slow, the checkout page is slow, the shopping cart page is slow, in short, everything is slow.
    I have sent you my WordPress backend account and password, as well as my server login permissions. I authorize you to use whatever method you want to test it, as long as you help me solve the problem of website slowness.

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    [0x00007f0616015350] add_control_rules() /home/905526.cloudwaysapps.com/ejqgymmfpy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/core/files/css/base.php:715
    [0x00007f06160152a0] add_control_style_rules() /home/905526.cloudwaysapps.com/ejqgymmfpy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/core/files/css/base.php:584
    [0x00007f0616015190] add_controls_stack_style_rules() /home/905526.cloudwaysapps.com/ejqgymmfpy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/core/files/css/post.php:222
    [0x00007f06160150b0] add_controls_stack_style_rules() /home/905526.cloudwaysapps.com/ejqgymmfpy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/core/files/css/post.php:298
    [0x00007f0616015020] render_styles() /home/905526.cloudwaysapps.com/ejqgymmfpy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/core/files/css/post.php:226
    [0x00007f0616014f40] add_controls_stack_style_rules() /home/905526.cloudwaysapps.com/ejqgymmfpy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/core/files/css/post.php:298
    [0x00007f0616014eb0] render_styles() /home/905526.cloudwaysapps.com/ejqgymmfpy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/core/files/css/post.php:226
    [0x00007f0616014dd0] add_controls_stack_style_rules() /home/905526.cloudwaysapps.com/ejqgymmfpy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/core/files/css/post.php:298
    [0x00007f0616014d40] render_styles() /home/905526.cloudwaysapps.com/ejqgymmfpy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/core/files/css/post.php:226
    [0x00007f0616014c60] add_controls_stack_style_rules() /home/905526.cloudwaysapps.com/ejqgymmfpy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/core/files/css/post.php:298
    [0x00007f0616014bd0] render_styles() /home/905526.cloudwaysapps.com/ejqgymmfpy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/core/files/css/post.php:178
    [0x00007f0616014b20] render_css() /home/905526.cloudwaysapps.com/ejqgymmfpy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/core/files/css/base.php:677
    [0x00007f0616014a80] parse_content() /home/905526.cloudwaysapps.com/ejqgymmfpy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/core/files/base.php:155
    [0x00007f0616014a20] get_content() /home/905526.cloudwaysapps.com/ejqgymmfpy/public_html/wp-content/themes/woodmart/inc/integrations/elementor/helpers.php:33
    [0x00007f0616014960] woodmart_elementor_get_content_css() /home/905526.cloudwaysapps.com/ejqgymmfpy/public_html/wp-content/themes/woodmart/inc/functions.php:847
    [0x00007f0616014890] woodmart_get_html_block() /home/905526.cloudwaysapps.com/ejqgymmfpy/public_html/wp-content/themes/woodmart/footer.php:44
    I suspect there is an incompatibility between elementor and theme
    Please help me solve the problem. There must be something wrong with Elementor and the theme.

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    Artem Temos


    We have disabled all plugins that are not related to our theme and swatches on the grid temporarily. Please, test how shop pages work now.

    Kind Regards



    You deactivated all my plugins (except theme related ones) and all woocommerce related pages are much faster than before. But I also noticed that you disabled the option of a single product page in the theme layout. I think there is a problem with the single product page in the theme layout. Because you disabled the layout option, the product page looks ugly.
    I dare not enable the individual product page option in the theme layout, I leave this option to you so that you can better observe the changes in loading speed.
    But the problem ensued. The reason why I bought the woodmart theme was because I liked the appearance and style of Woodmart, a pre-built website template. If I can’t use the Furniture 2 template, then this theme doesn’t make much sense to me.



    To be precise, after you disabled all my plugins, my overall website speed was much faster than before.
    Then I enabled the plug-ins one by one, cleared the cache, and tested the store page and product page every time I enabled a plug-in. I found that the speed did not become slower depending on which plug-in I enabled.
    So I am 100% sure that there is a major loophole in the options in the theme layout.


    Artem Temos

    You can enable the custom layout now and it will not make your website slower. But as you can see, your plugins affect the website speed a lot. And now it is not caused by Elementor.



    Can you help me troubleshoot which plugin is slowing down my site?



    Query Monitor prompts 3 php errors

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    Currently I only have 5 plugins enabled (including themes).
    Under such circumstances, when I open the store page and product page, Query Monitor prompts that it takes more than 10 seconds to load the page. Why is this?



    Hello!Any body here?


    Artem Temos


    To find out which plugin makes your website slow you can enable them one by one and test the performance after each step. But as you can see, our theme doesn’t make performance issues on your website.
    Note that you need to keep swatches disabled on the shop page. They may impact the loading time on the first page load. It happens because of large number of variations. After first loading, this information is cached and next loading will be faster.

    Kind Regards



    I won’t disable product color image swatches on my store page because I need it and I need it to let customers know at a glance how many colors my product comes in. Is there any code to improve its loading speed? Because I also noticed that it takes at least 5 seconds to enter the product details page when I click on a product for the first time. The second click is very fast, as fast as lightning. So I guess the problem with the slow website is here, each product has color image swatches.
    I think this can be done because my other shopify website bisicool.com has a lot of color image swatches, but it is very fast.


    Artem Temos


    It is not Shopify but WooCommerce. Unfortunately, we can’t do anything in this situation. WooCommerce is not designed to have variations form on the shop page. And this information loads slowly if you have a large number of products and variations loaded. That is why we added a caching mechanism using transients there. But when the cache is empty, it may load a bit slower. Note that we never experienced such slowness before with this feature. But taking into account that even with a few installed plugins your website becomes slow, we can conclude that it happens also because of the unoptimized server. We are almost sure that it wouldn’t happen on other servers. Otherwise, we can return your money back for the theme.

    Kind Regards



    Artem Temos
    Since you think this is caused by the server not being optimized, then you should point out where the server is not optimized! At least you have to give a step or reason instead of just saying that there is a problem with the server.
    I have browsed many topics about slow speed in the forum. In the end, you all excused yourself by saying that there is no problem with the theme, and you all put the responsibility on the customer who purchased the theme.
    You don’t have to use the excuse of refunding me the money you paid to buy the theme to try to frustrate me. If it weren’t for the fact that it took me 2 months to upload over 1,000 products, I would definitely spend money to go to the theme forest and leave a lot of negative comments on the woodmart theme.
    Finally, my request is: Either you can help me test it, or you can change someone to help me solve the problem!


    Artem Temos


    OK, let’s investigate it further. As we said, your website becomes slow when you activate all plugins. Have you tested it on your website? According to this fact, we can conclude that when you have more functionality working on your website your server can’t handle it and becomes slower. That is why it works slower with this feature too. Try to install your website on a different server for test.

    Kind Regards

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