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Product picture preview column

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  • #520437


    Hi Support Team,

    Could you please assist with a couple of issues related to our picture preview column. Attached, you’ll find a screenshot for reference.
    1. Removal of Social Profile ‘Tweet’: I’m looking to remove the ‘Tweet’ option that appears in the picture preview column when clicking on the picture to enlarge. Could you guide me on how to achieve this?
    2. Removal of ‘Download’ Option: Similarly, I’d like to eliminate the ‘Download’ option in the picture preview column upon enlarging an image. Can you provide instructions on how to do this?

    Thank you!

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    Hung Pham

    Hi Andy,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    Add below Custom CSS code to Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global custom CSS

    .pswp__share-tooltip .pswp__share--twitter,
    .pswp__share-tooltip .pswp__share--download{
    	display: none;




    Thank you Support Team

    All good now


    Hung Pham

    Hi Andy,

    Glad to hear your issue has been resolved. Keep us in mind for future questions and concerns, we’re always here to help!

    If you have a quick minute we always appreciate a 5-star rating on our theme!


    Your feedback is the motivation to improve our work and services.


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