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Woodmart Shop Page Filter (WooCommerce Layered Nav)

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  • #524297


    Dear Support,

    I am using Dokan Pro with your theme. I have 2 issues:

    1. I’m trying to configure the sidebar filter in the shop page to do the following:

    a. Filter by Product Category
    b. Filter by Vendor

    For Product Category, there seems to be no way to add this to the Layered Nav. I’d like it to be checkbox like all the other attributes in the Nav.

    2. The “Enable shop filters widget’s area above the products” does not give me the Filters icon/option to the right of the default sorting as it should.

    Private info is included if required.

    Thanks for your help



    You can use widget related to “Product Categories” to show on the filter https://prnt.sc/CvufndxDogAN

    For the dokan you can use the vendor widget that comes with the dokan plugin.

    Actually, with some of the Demos there are certain Custom Layouts enabled for the Single Product and Archive pages which is why your made changes under the Theme Settings aren’t taking effect on that.

    Try to edit a custom layout with a page builder and use the filters widget.

    Best Regards.



    1 a&b: “You can use widget related to “Product Categories” to show on the filter https://prnt.sc/CvufndxDogAN”

    Thanks but I was trying to get it to look like your (Woodmart) filter with the checkboxes. It seems that’s not possible with the non-Woodmart widgets.

    2: “Try to edit a custom layout with a page builder and use the filters widget. https://ibb.co/7zt04mS”

    Doesn’t work. a.) I’ve added the filters to the Shop Filters under Appearance-> Widget per documentation. b.) On the custom Product Archive Layout that comes with the demo, I’ve added the Filters Area Button. Clicking on the filters button (3 lines with dots) does not bring up the 2 shop filters I’ve added (color and brand).

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by elonri.


    01. Add the Products Categories widget to the shop page widgets area and check the option “Show products count”.
    Screenshot for clarification:

    02. Please read and follow the instructions that how to set the off-canvas sidebar filter with custom Layout:

    Best Regards.




    01. Thanks. I don’t have the option to select multiple product categories at once.

    02. You misunderstand: I’m not trying to do an off-canvas sidebar. I’m simply trying to get the horizontal filter like your demo shop page (see image). How can I achieve this?

    Also the other problem I have is if I choose no sidebar under Sidebar in Shop layout in Theme settings, it still gives me a sidebar. I’m scratching my head.

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    01. Sorry to say there are no such option to achieve this in this widget:
    You can try or use this plugin at your own risk.

    02. Try to disable the custom layout for the Archive pages and see if it works. You can do this in Dashboard -> WoodMart -> Layouts.

    Best Regards.

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