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problems with the color of the menus and categories and speed

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  • #53402


    good afternoon, this theme is fantastic, but after configuring everything to clean the cache has happened that the color of the main menu and the category menu has changed color from white background to black and can not return to make it look white .

    I have also noticed that the loading speed is now much lower, while adding products loaded very fast and because of this error is slower now, for example sometimes it takes to load the main slide.

    I have also noticed that in the main page it shows me the same news repeated 3 times instead of just showing a news that I have.

    Thank you.


    Artem Temos


    Thank you so much purchasing our theme and contacting our support center.

    We tested your website but didn’t notice any of the mentioned problems. It loads fast, the menu has a white background and only one post is shown on your home page.

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio



    hello I have returned to or import the electronic demo page and the subject of the background color of the menus has been resolved except in the categories in the “console” submenu (enclosed image).

    As for speed, in my hosting they have bought and it seemed to be a problem with cloudflare that they have already solved.

    As for the news I only have one, but it is repeated 3 times (attached capture).

    I have also noticed that on the pricnpial page, sometimes the prices come out correctly with the VAT included and other times, they appear without the VAT although in woocommerce it is correctly configured, it happens to me in the mobile and in PC, in both places I have cleaned the browser cache, this is a problem because if the price does not appear correct is a disaster in sales (attached screenshots)

    Thank you.

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    Artem Temos

    The dark color scheme is chosen for that particular menu item dropdown. You can edit it in Appearance -> Menus.
    As for blog items, you need to disable loop option for that element or increase number of blog posts to make it work correctly.



    The news solved, thank you.

    Regarding the submenu of categories, it does not matter what I put to each element, if I put light, dark or nothing, it always comes out black




    I have solved it thanks, I have put the custom size and now it goes blank




    Please provide your site admin access so that we could check.

    Best Regards



    Hello and everything is fixed but I still have a problem with the prices on the main page, the prices are without inva included although in the configuration is set to be included with VAT included, on the detailed page of a product look good but in the modules of the main page are without VAT, I think it is something that happens with the modules because in the page of the store and the categories are seen correctly.

    Attached captures where you see the same product on the main page and details, the correct price is in the details with the VAT already included.

    On the other hand the revolutions slider of the main page in the mobile load very fast, but in the pc it takes to appear and load, the banners below load first being behind the menu categories and after loading the slide and everything is placed, it is an effect that goes wrong when entering the web, it takes a few seconds before the image comes out.


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    Product price is a WooCommerce functionality. Please check the issue with the default theme and inform.

    Best Regards



    in any other topic or the default theme looks good, in fact, as I explained before on all pages is seen correctly, on the store page, in the category or the detailed page of any product, only occurs in the home page with its theme and not always, sometimes they look good with VAT included and other times it looks bad without the VAT included in the price.

    Thank you.


    Artem Temos

    Could send us two screenshots of the same product: one with our theme and another with default WordPress theme so we can see the difference?

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