Hello, I did an Layout for Single Product ID.
I need to add the Product description. If I use “Product Tab” I get the Description as needed. But I also get the tab “SHIPPING & DELIVERY” I dont need this one and I dont want this one on my layout. How can I remove this? I only want the Product Desctripion on my Single Product ID Layout. This is really important
To remove that tab from the single product page. Go to Dashboard > Theme Settings > Product Page > Tabs > Clear Additional tab heading and content.
If you want to add additional tabs for specific product, you can add Tab via Product Setting https://prnt.sc/exIlSVXRC9_d
Navigate to Theme Settings > Shop > Single Product > Tabs. In the Additional tabs, you can remove Table title, Content to disable these https://prnt.sc/aiddjA_pEWmR