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Zoom on the product page

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  • #554268


    look at 20s video on you tube https://youtu.be/7o2_RXNIlxA

    How to make:

    1. The magnifying glass for enlarging the photo has disappeared
    2. To reduce the magnification to a specific value, e.g. half the same as now.

    The problem is that when I press the magnifying glass icon , the photo enlarges to 1:1 proportion and enlarged quality is very poor. Therefore, I want to either remove this magnification icon or reduce the magnification value.

    Can you give me solutions to these 2 solutions?


    Luke Nielsen


    I would like to request temporary admin access to the website to take a better look at the issue there.

    Looking forward to collaborating with you!

    Kind Regards



    Look private message



    adress www in private message


    Luke Nielsen


    Use the code below for help:

    .single-product .pswp__button--zoom {
        display: none;

    Define it in Theme Settings -> Custom CSS.

    Kind Regards



    OK, it works.
    And the second variant, if I wanted to enlarge it, but not as much as it is, but half as much. So where to change the magnification value?


    Luke Nielsen


    Yep, the code below will help you with that as well. Define it in Theme Settings -> Custom JS -> On document ready.

    woodmartThemeModule.$document.on('wdPhotoSwipeBeforeInited', function( event, gallery ) {
    	gallery.options.getDoubleTapZoom = function (isMouseClick, item) {
    		if (isMouseClick || 'undefined' !== typeof item.html) {
    			return 1; // (Here you need to specify the size of the picture after clicking the "Enlarge" button. "1" means that the picture will be enlarged to its original size, if you want it to be enlarged only by half of its size, then you need to specify "0.5".)
    		} else {
    			return item.initialZoomLevel < 0.7 ? 1 : 1.33;

    Kind Regards



    Look attachment, I inserted the code, changed the value as shown in the screenshot, but the zoom is still the same.
    If I did something wrong, please provide me with the correct code and show me where to change the zoom value

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    Luke Nielsen

    Remove the description of the value that returns: https://prnt.sc/Q4PVJckLNZMz. And move the code into the Custom JS area. You put it to the CSS area at the moment.

    Clear the cache and recheck the issue.

    Kind Regards



    Not work.

    I changed it to 0.3 to make the effect visible, but it doesn’t help. I’ve attached what the code looks like now. (I cleared the cache)

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    Luke Nielsen


    1. The PHP code cannot be defined in the areas for the CSS: https://prnt.sc/jqcobM6SOFHB, it could cause some issues on your website. The same with this one custom: https://prnt.sc/PigWtUXaCr48

    Those PHP customs codes you need to define in the functions.php file in your child theme to make it work. https://prnt.sc/S62mjVHIlILT

    2. As for the custom JS that I sent you, remove it from the CSS area as well: https://prnt.sc/eDOtrLMiE97A , and move it to Theme Settings -> Custom JS -> On document ready: https://prnt.sc/KkAw3fwgn1ss

    Kind Regards



    OK, now it work very good. Thank you!


    Luke Nielsen


    You are welcome! If you do not mind, can you please leave a 5 stars rating for our theme by going here: http://themeforest.net/downloads It will allow us to release more updates and provide dedicated support in the future. It would encourage our work a lot.

    Have a good day!

    Best Regards

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