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About Brand Improvement on the Product Detail page

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  • #55485


    Hello, the way in which you have the About Brand area on the product detail page which requires you to assign a HTML block to display information is inefficient, time consuming, and can add additional slow down the site. What is needed is a passing of values which contain the brand logo, description, and additional products via pre-formatted about brand html block. This will work for sites like hours who have over 100+ brands and alleviate the need to create 100+ html blocks for each one. Kind of crazy when you logically assess it from a development standpoint and a admin management perspective.

    OPTION SOLUTION #1 (see: https://imgur.com/a/7uhwzcn)
    Create the following additional custom visual composer theme elements

    1. Brand Logo
    2. Brand Description
    3. An upgraded or addition “Products (grid or carousel)” Element that is smarter that can detect the brand ID or product that is being displayed.


    This is a lot faster and can be released in next update. Simply create an option in the dashboard to disable the custom HTML block of about brand on the product detail page and create a predefined layout about brand area in the tab that can be enabled to show the Brand Logo and Brand description. As for the more products by Brand you can have option to disable or view. If view is enabled than have the grid/carousel row show below the description text. See additional attached image.

    OPTION #3

    On the brand edit page please add option to show logo on the About brand page area and have option to turn on a grid or carousel row below the text. This is faster than options 1 and 2. It will serve our purpose of showing the info relative to the brand product that is being shown and have option to show logo above the text and grid/carousel of some of the brand’s products.

    Logo (left aligned)
    Description text (left aligned)
    Grid or Carousel row
    text to view more products which will take you the the shop page showing all the brand’s products.

    We as well as a few of our other clients that have purchased this theme need it ASAP. We will be happy with Option #1 for now since it will be the fastest for you to release and provide us with an immediate solution that will save ALOT of time. Please let us know can you add Option #2 at the very least to the next update. thanks


    Artem Temos


    Thank you for your feature request. We will consider implementing some of the options you mentioned in the future. Sorry, but we can’t say the exact time when it will be implemented. And we already have development plans for the nearest few updates.

    Again, thank you for your valuable experience.

    Kind Regards


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