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Filter by size

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  • #559294



    I have defined the size of the products in woocommerce: width, length, and height. How can filter by size? I would like to filter by range for example: search products with width between 100 cm and 200cm.

    In the widget area when I add “WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav”, I can see only defined attributes not size which is not an attribute.

    Best regards

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    You need to create an attribute for this. In WooCommerce, go to Products > Attributes. Create a new attribute named “Width” or something similar.

    Add values for width, such as “100cm”, “150cm”, “200cm”, etc.

    Go to each product and assign the appropriate width value.
    Use “WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav” Widget: In the widget area, add the “WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav” widget. This widget should now display the “Width” attribute.

    Best Regards.




    thank you for the explanation, can I make a range filter using WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav? I would like to search something between, as price for example.

    Best regards



    Sorry, but there is no option in Theme Settings available for that. You need to find a third party plugin to achieve more functionality that best suits you.

    Best Regards.

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