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Help with the Layout

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  • #567464


    Hi again,

    After the woocommerce update my whole website layout is a bit wonky, in edit mode (elementor) it is perfectly normal (like the download layout you guys provide) but only when i go to view it, does it go off. It could be only me again, who sees it like this. i did install a specific plugin to purge chache, but maybe some setting is off?

    If you can take a look i would appreciate it.

    Kind regards,

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    Luke Nielsen


    I’ve noticed that the Home page looks good (https://gyazo.com/6e179d9e9c52fc7727d0f954f7d6163d), but there is an issue with the image sizes on the shop page (https://prnt.sc/Vi10zIXsiZKz). If the images had normal sizes before the WooCommerce update, could you please enable the previous version so I can compare how it looked before?

    Kind Regards



    Hi Luke,

    The shop page is actually not an issue, it is the products images itself and it is updated automatically through a plugin. That one was already wonky to begin with 😀 So no worries there. i’ll play around the theme shop settings with that.

    My (home) pages look normal again, the issue was probably my browser/cache again. I switched to another account and it seems fine.

    Thank you for the fast help and reply, really appreciate it.

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    Luke Nielsen


    Okay, understood. In this case, the topic can be closed?

    Let me know if you have any additional questions.

    Kind Regards


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