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White space in header

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  • #569039


    I am not able to find the correct settings to avoid the white blank space in header on responsive devices.
    I hope you can help. Thanks.

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    Luke Nielsen


    Decrease the height of the banner for mobile here- https://prnt.sc/U3Om7icGuFbm (Theme Settings -> General -> Header banner)

    You can also reach out to us if you have any questions.

    Kind Regards



    Thank you. I tried this now but it did not have any effect. Still have the blank space. I hope you can help me further.


    Luke Nielsen


    The thing is that the Header banner is configured a little wrong, which is why there is such space, leave only 1 section for the banner via page builder or make the height less than you made before. Then recheck the issue.

    Don’t hesitate to let me know if you need any further help or any other info

    Kind Regards



    Your staff helped me a year ago to compose this header πŸ˜‰

    But now I have made some changes and I have changed the background of the header banner. But there is still extra space between header banner and header. See print screen. If you can come up with some solution on how to solve it, I will appreciate.
    This does not happen with bigger browsers. I tried with height of the header banner but I can still not fix it.
    Thanks πŸ™‚

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    Luke Nielsen


    The header banner can have as many rows of content as you like, and the main requirement is that the total height of this content does not exceed the height value, the header banner specified in the Theme settings.

    The header banner does not look right because its row and column settings have non-systematic and different padding and negative margin values ​​on the desktop in the row settings: https://prnt.sc/VziFE0xjHZV6 and text element: https://prnt.sc/O_OsLFMtJnP5 as well as -70x margin for mobile https://prnt.sc/MDjdTkkEnxgg .

    All this together affected the overall height of the content, which made its position incorrect inside the header banner.

    We have edited the content of the Header banner and removed all negative margins and configured padding in a way so that their total value is equal to 70 x of the default settings and now the header banner looks normal.

    Kind Regards



    Thank you thank you! Finally it looks great!
    I appreciate that you made it right for me!


    Luke Nielsen


    You are welcome! If you do not mind, can you please leave a 5 stars rating for our theme by going here: http://themeforest.net/downloads It will allow us to release more updates and provide dedicated support in the future. It would encourage our work a lot.

    Have a good day!

    Kind Regards

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