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text label to individual product

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  • #573935


    Good day, Support Team,

    I am wondering if there is any possibility to add individual text labels to each product. Please see the attached screenshot for reference. If this is not possible, could you recommend a plugin that can accomplish this?

    Thank you.

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    1. In order to create a custom label, navigate to Products > Attributes > create attribute > then add terms to created attribute – https://prnt.sc/tqzG6kgJCwEQ, https://prnt.sc/yq_ZcONu22_n

    Edit the attribute itself – https://prnt.sc/ExOeF6K7T_U3 and enable the “Show attribute label on products” option – https://prnt.sc/7vckb4xRhteN

    2. Edit the product for which you want to show the custom label and assign that custom label attribute to the product – https://prnt.sc/QGfKsahh3O9a

    As a result the custom label will be shown.

    Best Regards



    Thank you, Support Team, for your quick response.
    However, is there any possibility to change the content and background colors?
    Please see the attached screenshot for reference.


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    I have already found the solution myself. Thanks again for your prompt help.



    You are Most Welcome.

    We are glad that you managed to solve the problem yourself. You are Great!!!

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you! You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Have a wonderful day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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