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How to Disable Post Date on Featured Image AND Author

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  • Author
  • #575102



    When viewing a post, the date and author are shown – I do not want them to be in the post.

    I have disabled the “Author Bio” under Theme Settings > Single Post and “Meta Information” under Theme Settings > Blog Archive but this doesn’t appear to help.

    How do I disable both of these?




    Please add the following Custom CSS code to Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global Custom CSS:

    .wd-meta-date, .wd-meta-author {
    	display:  none !important;

    Best Regards.




    Thanks for the CSS. I added this code, however the Posts are still showing the meta data (date and author). I’ve attached a screenshot of the code in place to ensure I’m not missing anything.

    I also tried removing the preleading periods before wd-meta-date & wd-meta-author.


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    Can you please share the page URL I will check and give you a custom css code.

    Best Regards.



    Aizaz, I am having the same issue. I have disabled arthor bios in general and in Woodmart settings I have it disabled as well. The link is the problem. It is linking to an arthor bio that doesn’t exist. CSS doesn’t work as the link is still in the source code so Google is still seeing the link and trying to crawl it and getting 301 redirects.

    How can I completely disable this? On blog archives, I have disabled the meta details (arthor/social icons) in Woodmart settings but they still show there too. I disabled all plugins but woodmart, elementor, and woocommerce and the problem persists still.

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