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Setting preset on condition of product category ID did not work

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  • #575877


    I have few categories that I want to use different setting on “product archive -> products styles” , so I intent to use preset

    I set condition to

    term ID equals 1049 (which is targeted category ID)

    but on that category , nothing changed

    if I choose other condition , like user role = admin , then I can see the change

    however, if I set

    taxonomy equals product_cat

    it doesn’t work either.

    any idea how to debug ?

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    Luke Nielsen


    Try to use the “Term Id” – https://prnt.sc/T2ER2DEQU-fb

    Let me know the result.

    Kind Regards



    you must have overlooked my screenshot , I tried term id as well


    Luke Nielsen


    Please provide me with access to the admin panel so I can check the site settings.

    Thank you in advance.

    Kind Regards



    passwordless login link provided in private content

    you can use category ID 100, 1049, 1151 as example

    my goal was change product archive -> products grid -> products columns on desktop on these 3 categories , for example by default other has 5 column , I want to make these 3 categories to show different , let’s say 2 column or something.


    Luke Nielsen


    But those categories are empty – https://prnt.sc/OVMvbu18hitx, it will not work if there are no products. May I test it on another category?

    Thank you in advance.

    Kind Regards



    yes, the category itself is parent cat or grand-parent cat

    but the products are added in its sub category


    Luke Nielsen


    When you select in the preset 2 columns – https://prnt.sc/bXt-XuY_LzcQ and on the Shop page you see that icon is activated but the grid is still e.g. 4 or 5 columns – https://prnt.sc/hgDUX9N9wPIU, it means that the grid is saved in the cookie so you need to activate the grid icon for 2 columns (click on it) to activate it. It works in such a way and it cannot be fixed. It will only do this for anonymous users.

    Kind Regards



    can we use PHP to remove the cookie about the grid column ?

    like if there is any filter to check which preset is in use


    if preset X is active ; then
    delete cookie XXX


    Luke Nielsen


    Sorry to say but right now there is no option in Theme Settings available for that. It requires Customization and this is beyond our limitations and support policy scope.
    Hope you can understand our limitations.

    Kind Regards



    you don’t have anything like apply_filter , add_action , that kind of stuff I can use to check what preset is in use ?

    I can handle the rest of it , just need a way to detect what preset is in use on current page

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