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Product IMages in Archive no crop should be scaled

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    on my webshop the product archive gets pretty messy because of different product images ratio and solution. i red your article https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/image-size-and-content-alignment-in-a-product-grid/ and also did research in this forum.

    I don´t want to be the images cropped to a ratio like mentioned in the article before.
    I want to scale the images all to the same hight. so that the product archive looks even.

    do you have a solution for that?




    Your images differ in size considerably. You need to upload images of the same size.
    Please check this manual on how to configure:

    Best Regards.




    you have sent me an Link to your Theme Documentation, which doesn´t help. I posted the same link in my question and told you, that this is not working and not what i want.

    have you even read my message?



    Basically, the product images are controlled by WooCommerce.

    You can define the “height” of the shop thumbnails by setting up the width:height aspect ratio in the “Thumbnail cropping” section:
    Custom: In Custom you can select the aspect ratio of the image. Here are some of the popular aspect ratios (1:1, 5:4, 4:3, 3:2, 16:9 and 3:1).

    Uncropped: Height of the image will be untouched. Images will display using the aspect ratio in which they were uploaded.

    Best Regards.




    i think der is still a comunication problem. You don´t understand whats my problem. So for this time i attached tweo screenshots to clearify hopefully everything:

    Screenshot 1 – product thumbnails before crop:
    On this picture you can see the diffferent Levels of Product titles (see red line), and also the different sizes and Ratio of the product thumbnails

    Screenshit 2 – product thumbnails after crop:
    On this picture you can see, That thumbnails got cropped now, and on the pictures we are loosing main details because of cropping. That´s why i want to know, how you can SCALE down the images in SIZE so they fit in to the same grid but don´t get CROPPED. So they keep their ratio, but the picture size will fit in to a grid where everything is level.

    Also on that screenshot you can see thatthe Product titles are still not in line.

    Screenshot 3 – Shows a different Onlineshop with same prdoucts and the solution i want. Pictures are sized down and everything is level.
    Different store:

    I hope you understoo me know.

    Looking forward to hear from you.


    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    In your second screenshot, the product title is not aligned on the same line because the product attributes are displayed in a grid format on some of the products.

    Navigate to Theme Settings -> Shop -> Variable products and disable the attribute to the “Grid swatch attribute to display” field: https://prnt.sc/jVxH52JZb9xD

    Best Regards.




    thanks for your answer. But did your read my other questions? you just replied to one question..

    I also asked about product thumbnail smaller size withoug cropping?
    Please read my question before..



    It is due to different heights of images. I kindly recommend you preparing images you want before uploading them to your media library using the graphic editor (Photoshop or any other) to have a nice-looking grid.

    For the Product Archive page, please navigate to Theme Settings > Product archives -> Products styles, here you can enable the Even product grid for desktop option to align products if they have different height components.

    Best Regards.




    thanks for your answer.

    The Settings recommendation, which you have sent is already set in the settings.

    About the images: I dont want to edit 1000s of product photos with photoshop. Normally themes have a option to scale pictures down so they fit into the container where they are placed.

    I have sent you a link form another onlineshop which exactly does that with the same ictures i have. did you see?

    so where can i find this settings?




    Sorry to hear about the inconvenience. Kindly, please share your Site WP-ADMIN Login details in the Private Content field so that we can check this concern on your Site and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards.

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