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Newsletter popup

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  • #57664


    I am unable to figure it out on how to create a popup button on my footer.. Kindly help me..when i use the “woodmart-open-newsletter” in my html block(Crazy footer), it applies to all the other links also..I want the “newsletter button alone” to popup.

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    1/ Create a menu with one menu item. http://prntscr.com/ji486d

    2/ Add class woodmart-open-newsletter to this item http://prntscr.com/ji48h9

    3/ Add this menu to footer widget http://prntscr.com/ji494r

    Best Regards



    I need more help on above query..
    I am unable to create horizontal menu by following your above solution, I need the same setup as it is existing now – in horizontal way.. but the newsletter menu should popup. Kindly help me in this with clear explanation.. sorry for bugging.

    Also, how to make the revolution banner work responsive with mobile display, as of now it is not responsive(half of the image is only shown)



    And in Mobile Menu.. i can see categories tab which i don’t want to display.. How to remove that tab from menu section?



    In order to remove categories from the mobile menu, switch to the mobile header in Header builder and disable in mobile menu http://prntscr.com/jihjj8

    As for popup try to put the class in the place shown: http://prntscr.com/jihmd8

    Best Regards

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