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mobile version Page builder

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  • #580933


    We create a page for mobile version , with HTML Block woodmart
    but not showing , we focerd to set in the same page condition for being Responsive

    On image attached you’ll find how we create and set the page

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    Hung Pham

    Hi studio.ambasador,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    Please provide URL of the mentioned page, so I can take a closer look.




    No natter, I Tell You a basic thing

    Through the theme You have HTML BLOCKS when You edit Any Page ( without elementor) the clasic edit on buttom You have mobile version right?
    Well there I create a custom Page for mobile also the page is set to be nobile responsive But no work
    Our site is under constuction, not published until we’ll fix current errors


    Hung Pham

    Hi studio.ambasador,

    I kindly ask that you please provide me video or more screenshots demonstrating issue to the Private Content area, this will allow me to thoroughly investigate and address your concerns more efficiently. With this kind of issues, it’s hard to predict issues without more details.

    Thanks for understanding.


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