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Enable zoom for products

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  • #58161


    Thank you Elise. I didnt note that.

    I need the images to zoom on hover

    Now just the gallery images display zoom but the main image does not.


    Could you help me?

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    Artem Temos


    We didn’t notice any issues with the product images zoom on your website https://gyazo.com/f1d2f2b78a324444fcde226315d68942
    Could you please clarify the problem?

    Thank you




    The main image (yellow chair) only displays the zoom image after I click on it. The irger ones (gallery imnages) do display zoom just by hiver on it.

    Please help.

    In addition. The video does not plays. It just show a black page



    I have checked yellow, red and one more all of them working like this https://gyazo.com/1af9d56e349aca367866f1e67fd08760

    Please clarify the problem, send us to please the product link and make sure you are hovering after the page has been fully uploaded.

    Best Regards



    Im sahribg with yo a video explaining myself. https://we.tl/yJLwkuX6sZ

    As I told you the zoom effect on mian image just works after I click on it. Not on the gallery images which they do work naturally.

    2. Also. I would like you guys helping me to fix the sticky bar nav which changes the fobnt color when Im on a product category page.

    3. Also on that very product page you can see that the video is not working. After I click on it it just displays a black window.



    1. Please specify the browser and version where you view the site. When we check the product zoom is working properly.

    2. Appearance > Menu > Manin menu. All the items have different Etiqueta de navegaciĆ³n but they all lead to one and the same category – http://prntscr.com/jljuy2 In result all the menu items get class .current menu item. In this case primary color is applied. You need configure different categories urls

    3/ I have duplicated a product and added video everything works properly https://www.beek.studio/tienda/accesorios/silla-razza-copia/ delete this product after checking.

    Best Regards

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