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Related Products are not as per the single product

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  • #582022


    I am facing an issue of related products on the single product page.
    It is showing products from a static category automatically on every product listed on the website instead of showing the category’s related products in the section.

    While I am trying to edit this in “Single Product Page Layout” there is no option like that in which I can choose something like “related category” or else?

    Please help me on this.

    Looking forward to get prompt response.



    Related Products is a section on some templates that pulls products from your store that share the same tags or categories as the current product.

    These products cannot be specified in the admin, but can be influenced by grouping similar products in the same category or by using the same tags.

    Please read about related products here – https://woocommerce.com/document/related-products-up-sells-and-cross-sells/

    Best Regards.

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