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Woodmart – BIG issue, cant post reviews/commennts

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  • #583786


    i’m using Woodmart megamarket..

    i have only essentials plugins and one of them is famos plugin woocomerce reviews (reviews plugin)
    and other is wp-discuz (blog plugin)

    Now i tested it and none of customers can post comment, only administrator can but none of customers can neither on reviews neither on blog, getting error


    POST https://matrix-centar.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php 500 (Internal Server Error)

    i tried disabling ALL addons and only enable one of them to test it and still got issue (can’t post review or comment + error)

    i contacted those plugins creators and both of them told me its Theme’s issue and that i should contact you
    but before that i contacted hosting and they told me the same, they investigate it..and said that its for sure issue with theme and that i should contact you

    i tried on other themes its working normally..so i guess it is indeed woodmart issue..i can’t fix it and i can’t get rid of those plugins becasue they are essentials i need them


    I post you administrator credentials to login on wp-admin., please fix this..i can’t use theme correctly i spend 5 months on editing i can’t switch to other theme or anything like that..this needs to be fixed and i can’t fix it, neither hosting can neither developers of plugins..in errors its confirmed that is woodmart issue and both hosting and plugins developers told me that it is indeed the issue of theme..i tried with basic other themes and there is no that issue..please fix it as soon as possible..thank you in front

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    also i have to say its not memory issue..you have to be regular customer to see it..feel free to create regular accont on my site and you will see that it gives error for users and they are not able to post neither review on shop items neither anything on blog…it stopps them and throws error in console



    i tried everything and nothing is working..i can’t fix it on anyway..users can’t comment on wp-discuz blog or post review on customer reviews (shop) both plugin are very popular with almost 100.000 downloads and its quite crucial for me to continue using it because it have all i need..but woodmart have issue..i beg you to login on my wpadmin page and investigate issue and fix..i can’t continue using woodmart theme if its not fixed and i spend 5 months on editing..i can’t get rid of either theme or plugins..because both are ULTRA important..please help me to resolve this

    i can’t fix it without you since issue is related to theme i tried everything but nothing worked..now i backup site and waiting for you to test it and fix it

    how to test it?

    create regular user account (not admin) and try posting review in shop or try comment in blog..you will see error in console + post/comment is not published..(its not permission issue i tested it)

    only user with moderate_comments permission can post it but i can’t give such permission to regular users, please investigate the issue i can’t continue with site until that thing is fixed


    Artem Temos


    Try to disable the “Pros & cons” feature for reviews as shown on the screenshot https://monosnap.com/file/bWcLRQryarHTZmi5npk995kixjUsPQ
    Let me know if it helps.

    Kind Regards



    Wow, actually it does work..i wasn’t expecting that..THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH! you are the best ! <3 i really appreciate your help, thank you and have a great day!


    Artem Temos

    Great, we are glad that you sorted it out. Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

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