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streched mobile menue icon

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  • #584395



    we using imagify to convert images into webP image format.
    After doing this the mobile menu icons are streched (only the webP one). Check attached image.

    Go to menu manager mobile menu (link in private content).
    You can see we upload mobile menu icon (jpg).
    Imagify created an webP version for us.
    After this the image is streched in mobile view.

    We disabled all other plugins.
    We do not use any cache plugin.
    We do not use cloudflare.
    We contact imagify and the told us this is based on wrong theme css and need to be patched by woodmart to make the mobile menu icon working with imagify/webP images also.

    You can test everything on our stage. You also can disable/enable plugins for debug.


    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Please add the below Custom CSS code to Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global Custom CSS:

    body .wd-nav-img,  
    body .mega-menu-list img {
        max-width: 18px !important

    Best Regards.



    – So can you confirm woodmart icons for mobile menu are not ready for webP convert process?
    – Do you plan to fix that issue? Because its not a good idea to fix everything via css. Better solution is to fix it in theme core files/core css.

    Other themes does not have issues with webP images.
    Also imagify support told me to tell you to fix that issue from your side. Only adding custom css is a nice temp. solution, but we need to keep it working for all the time via core css to make it update ready and clean.




    This issue will be fixed in the next update, which is scheduled to be released in a few weeks.

    In the meantime, I recommend using the custom CSS code provided earlier as a temporary solution until the update is available.

    Best Regards.

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