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Collections / Edits

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  • #58792


    On the front end, there are Shop Now buttons which appear on the banner images.
    When we click on the Shop Now, we should be routed to a Shop Page which shows a banner image specific to that collection/edit and a listing of products specific to that collection.

    So for example if the banner image has a picture of Summertime / pool, then Shop Now button should take us to Summertime Shop page which has a banner shot and products across categories related to Summer: like sandals, swimsuits, beach dresses, etc.

    How can we do this?



    Enter the page editing mode and find the button. Then assign the proper links http://prntscr.com/jl3rp2

    Now you shop now button has #

    Your site is deeply customized. I cannot enter the page editing mode from front-end and when I try to edit button, nothing happens. Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme.

    Best Regardsd

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