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Empty space header mobile with “logo center” design

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  • #589546



    When choosing the “logo center” header design, there is a big empty space where the main menu is on desktop.

    On desktop it’s looking like this: https://imgur.com/2qbcGM0
    On mobile it’s looking like this: https://imgur.com/WxDjElv

    The empty space between the header area and the grey area is quit big and it might be due to the menu that is on desktop only?

    Is there any way to get rid of this empy space so the gap between the header area and the grey area is minimal?


    Artem Temos


    By default, our header has a margin-bottom and if you want to remove it on your home page, you can simply add a negative margin-top for the first row on the page with WPBakery page builder. So just set -40px, for example, to compensate for it.

    Kind Regards



    Ah, perfect! Thank you for your fast reply!


    Artem Temos

    You are always welcome. Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

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