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brand under product name & maintenance page problem

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  • #59025


    the theme maintenance page dos not show with other language pages i have installed wpml and have your theme v 2.1 for example :
    https://xxx.com/ her maintenance page show
    https://xxx.com/?lang=en maintenance not show ( and the website is showing )

    please find the credential log in privet.
    – can i add the brand name under the product name in the product page (so no brand photo its only text name ) ? see photo for clear idea http://www.m5zn.com/newuploads/2018/05/23/png//bb95a390bf93cbf.png

    in your documentation i can add photo of brand near the name of product
    and what i want is the text of brand name only like ( by american bed )
    to appear under name of product !!



    1/ Create translation for Maintenance page as you usually do for all the pages.

    2/ When you switch to another language page will be switched to the language accordingly.

    3/ If you have any problems please update your theme.

    As for the brand, there is no option to add a text. You can add the only image. As a way-out you can put Brend test in the Short description, however, the disadvantage of this method is manual inserting.

    Best Regards



    thanks it works fine


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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