I update WoodMart theme, but WPBakery still waits for an update? Is it not supposed to automatically update with the theme or did WoodMart 7.6 not roll out an update for WPBakery 7.9 aswell?
Version 7.9 is not to be update on the place you suggest. (there are no updates for WBBakery in WordPress/WooCommerce)
Can you please make it downloadable from the dashboard here (xtemos.com)? Now it’s still version 7.8
Maybe it is possible to mention the version so we can see which version there is to be download. see https://prnt.sc/nptUlnkaZdit
I have added it in the extra information….it’s my staging of course.
(But wouldn’t it be helpful if everybody can download it by them self?)
Best regards,
Ok, please wait for the theme update, we will update the plugin with the theme update. Until then you can use the old version of the plugin, it will not affect anything on the site.