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CSS ocasionally breaking on some pages

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    The CSS on some of my page ocassional breaks on load or when cached ( but it is not a cache issue because it does it without being cached too ).

    Here is a screenshot example of my icon not loading its css properly and being a text – https://take.ms/H4fNe


    Luke Nielsen


    Seems that you have sorted it out – https://take.ms/BmP8W

    Let me know if I missed something.

    Kind Regards



    Hey, this is just an example page. It does occur very often on pages still.

    For example, if you enter the cart page for the first time on the site if you haven’t for a while – it does happen. Sometimes also the styling of the icons in the footer fails too. Seen this on other Woodmart/Elementor sites as well.



    It is almost as if the page css gets “removed” until someone loads that page..

    Please go through some of the pages. I sent another example which has a bug right now.


    Luke Nielsen


    Please disable all plugins except these ones:

    Elementor or WPBackary
    Woodmart Core
    Enable the Parent theme

    Then activate the plugins one by one, checking the issue to detect which one causes the problem.

    Let me know the result.

    Kind Regards



    I have already tried that as well as tried stopping the cache, etc.

    The thing is, it would only sometimes break(if a page hasnt been access for a long/er period). For example if I now go into the about-us page in the admin – it works, so if I clear the cache it would show correctly. But because the cache was generated while it doesn’t work – it looks weird. It is as if some CSS is not being generated correctly for the pages unless you have entered them for example in the last few hours and then if you don’t enter them and open the site again, it’s not there. Did try disabling the cache obviously – it didn’t work. I caught the issue a little bit after installing the theme.

    I have had the issue on other sites but my clients never bothered to care until this one.


    Luke Nielsen


    Is there any chance that you could give me access to the dashboard area so I can have a look at the settings on your website, please?

    Kind Regards



    Sure thing. Providing you access now. Please if you make changes revert them back quickly as the website is live.

    Sadly you will have to click on a couple of pages until you manage to find one with unloaded correct CSS. It’s very random. I usually go to cart or checkout, or some of the pages in the footer.


    Luke Nielsen


    Disable this https://take.ms/Za0TV option in WP Rocket, then clear the site/server/browser cache and recheck the issue. In case it will not help, try to set these https://take.ms/UAeE0 styles to always load.

    Let me know the result.

    Kind Regards



    I think the second thing worked.

    Will let you know additionally if more help is needed, for now thanks!


    Luke Nielsen


    Okay, great! Always remember that you can reach out to us with any questions you may have.

    Have a good day!

    Kind Regards

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