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I have some difficulties with theme

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  • #599508


    Hope you are doing well.

    01.First when i installed theme search was working, now search is not showing suggestions in dropdown while typing. I have tried deactivating all plugins but didnt work.
    02.When i click Open Shop button on slide, it directs me to image slide link not the button link, i want to make homepage shop button on slide clickable and redirect to destination which is Shop page.
    03.I want to make all product image on shop page same size, not one bigger than another, all the same size in shop page where products are listed.
    04.How can i delete all products, logo, banners, images, tags, categories, pages, recent posts… that are posted by woodmart theme?

    Thank you!


    Hung Pham

    Hi leardfazliu995,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    Admin credential is incorrect, please check again https://prnt.sc/P6eZQNFaAwjz




    Those are my access credentials, try once again maybe you have typed incorrectly


    Hung Pham

    Hi leardfazliu995,

    01. Navigate to WoodMart > Header builder > edit default header (highlighted star icon) or you can go through the admin bar directly https://prnt.sc/Ct9ehRDvvDV9.

    Hover on Search element, click on Pencil icon to edit it and enable the Search with AJAX option https://prnt.sc/qL0sTOR8QNKV

    02. I see the button is now redirects to product page, please let me know if you resolved it by yourself.

    03. It is due to different heights of images. I kindly recommend you preparing images you want before uploading them to your media library using the graphic editor (Photoshop or any other) to have a nice-looking grid.

    For the Product Archive page, please navigate to Theme Settings > Product archives > Products styles, here you can enable the Even product grid for desktop option to align products if they have different height components.

    04. Please provide URL of the mentioned page, so I can take a closer look.




    Everything is good with 01, 02 and 03. Thank you

    04.I have deleted most of content but i want to delete everything thats left, like for example i have deleted all categories but this category “accessories” couldnt delete. I also have deleted lots of Posts i have one as example. And i know there are some images left from posts or prdoct images that i cant find from Woodmart theme. I want to delete also everything left from Woodmart theme.


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    Hung Pham

    Hi leardfazliu995,

    Please follow this article to disable / delete default category https://www.businessbloomer.com/woocommerce-delete-uncategorized-product-category-forever/




    Not only that category but also all content from Woodmart theme like i mentioned in first topic comment “How can i delete all products, logo, banners, images, tags, categories, pages, recent posts… that are posted by woodmart theme when installed ?”

    Thank you!



    Edit: content that is by default shown from Woodmart theme.


    Hung Pham

    Hi leardfazliu995,

    First of all, I am appreciate your patience.

    Can you please provide more screenshots that point out default content you want to remove? I will help you with better solutions.


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