I wish you good work. https://www.gdrmimarlik.com/ site belongs to me and I could not manage to remove the subcategories in the mobile view in the image I have attached. Can you please help me on how to remove the “Shop, Cart, My Account” in the marked area in the image I have sent you in the attachment?
Ve ek olarak yine size iletmiş olduğum ikinci görselde “Compare ve Login/Register” alanlarını da kaldırmak istiyorum. Bu konu hakkında da yardımcı olur musunuz lütfen ?
01. You can disable it in the Theme settings > General > Mobile bottom navbar. Screenshot for clarification: https://postimg.cc/ThhMsGtc
02. Navigate to Header builder -> edit current Header -> switch mobile header -> edit mobile menu -> disable these options.
Screenshot for clarification: https://ibb.co/dLS2qvB