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Ajax Filter Plugin breaking JS and CSS

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  • #605125


    Hey there ! been using your theme for a while now and really enjoying most of its functionality and options !

    Unfortunately, we have encountered an annoying problem with the WBW Product Filter. The filter works with Ajax and had options that made more sense than what the theme has built in.

    The filter runs on both live and staging sites as for now –

    When filtering the filter is breaking up the product cards CSS and also affecting the JS running on the page :
    The pagination stops working [ no infinite scroll ], the sticky header menu stays in one place and the css of the product cards tends to break.

    it is way easier to encounter through incognito \ guest browsing, although it happens in logged in users occasionally as well.

    We tried to get support from the plugin creator. after a long email and several videos showcasing the issue, the replied that for some reason – the css and JS are kept inside the product cards div selector, so when sending the Ajax call, this area gets refreshed and all the styling is breaking up.

    We have seen an advanced performance option that forces JS and CSS styles run on different pages – unfortunately, we are not sure which ones and whether it is the correct way to try and fix this issue.

    the only way it works well is if I dont pick the correct selector for the product cards and the pages refreshes on the ajax call. in this case – everything works fine, but this is way slower and misses the point.
    there are several different settings to the filter plugin, changing between the product categories [ we tried almost every setting possible and added video showing where it fails ].

    Please, we really need the functionality and the built in filtering was not well suited for our needs.

    Also, unfortunately, we currently have no dev. so while I am pretty technical, I am not really a programmer.
    Also 2, if you fix it, we would love to know what has been done to do it on the live site as well [ since we dont migrate staging automatically. I copy the codes instead so we have no issues with the DB differences ].

    Thank you in advance,
    Igor @ Omega Sintech

    I will add a link to our staging site, login info and a link to the google drive that has the videos showcasing the issue + a doc that has detailed explanation of the issue with videos etc.



    Adding images to showcase the issue here.
    Video clips are more detailed in showcasing the problem.

    Thank you in advance <3

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Luke Nielsen


    1. I have contacted the developer’s team and they confirm that the 3rd party plugins may not work with our load more button, so we suggest using the default pagination instead.

    2. As for the CSS, it is displayed there only the first time, and all subsequent times are already in the head.

    Kind Regards



    Hi, I am not sure I understand what you mean by it is displayed there only the first time.
    every visit from a not logged in user tends to break the css on filtering.

    About the Load More – the issue is the scripts stop running when Ajax refreshes the wd-elements div.
    You have a way to force scripts to keep running as far as I know, but I am not sure which scripts should I pick with the changes we have and the product cards that were chosen.

    I can see the issue with the css every time I visit the website, even from logged users, though with guest users it is easier to replicate and happens more.

    The plugin is using the normal pagination, if the script did not get removed on wd-elements refresh – we would have no issue.
    moreover, it’s not just the pagination – sticky header stops working too.

    It makes it unusable. The plugin is paid for and the only one that fit our needs and was simple enough to use.

    I have not changed any pagination settings, the WBW Product Filter plugin is using the existing divs and scripts.
    the issue is they stop running as soon as the filtering happens 🙁

    I really need to find a way to work around it. Hoped it would be pretty simple with your amazing support



    video of css and JS failing with nuances I could find :

    video of css and JS working fine when page refreshes instead of only wd-elements ajax update:

    there has to be a way to work around it 🙁

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