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Menu is not saving

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  • #605771



    I have a website
    in which whenever im trying to save the menu “new category”
    it is not saving
    i thought there are so php so i created a new env.


    in this env i have massive limits
    in this url https://theutkarshgupta.com/compuleasenetworks/ menu is saving but not updating in backend

    i have tried to turn off every plugin but didnt worked please check the reason


    Luke Nielsen


    Increase these values on your server – https://take.ms/lwQ53

    Then recheck the issue.

    Kind Regards



    I did that but still it is not saving.
    PHP limits are set to maximum
    menu is saving perfectly but it is not updating in ui
    for example in menu i have set storage menu in full width and saved it
    and it saved perfectly but didnt reflected in the UI

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    Luke Nielsen


    The value is not saved due to a huge menu that has a lot of menu items. Due to the fact that the menu is very large – it created a form in the WordPress menu editor that has 11642 inputs – https://take.ms/HOa5n which, in turn, cannot be processed by your server due to its own settings.

    In this situation, there are two solutions:

    1. Increase PHP max_input_vars even more, to about 15000, to match the created menu.

    2. Rebuilt the menu itself using the mega menu dropdowns created using the page builder (documentation https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/create-mega-menu/)

    Kind Regards

    • This reply was modified 3 hours, 44 minutes ago by Luke Nielsen.
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