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Constant Errors

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  • #60810


    I am trying to work with Dreamhost to resolve issues with our site. We have gone back and forth a lot, I have made many concessions with the way I’m using the site, plugins and the theme. Here is the most recent message from them (Because of this message I disabled all wishlist functionality):

    In regards to the slowness, admin-ajaxx is getting hit quite frequently.
    Today alone, admin-ajaax has been hit 1154 times, which is definitely excessive and shouldn’t be happening.

    1154 /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php

    When I check the access log for what the ajax request, it’s coming from woodmart-core which hits as it appears to be trying to pull a wishlist for every single page load. This isn’t checking for unique visitors and with the way Varnish is set up, could potentially cause some visitors to see someone else’s wishlist, which isn’t good for the site’s resources in general nor your visitors security. – – [01/Jun/2018:12:51:03 -0700] “GET /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=woodmart_wishlist_number HTTP/1.1” 200

    This is definitely an odd case. Basically the code making the call is coming from your theme, specifically this:

    ./inc/woocommerce.php: add_action( ‘wp_ajax_woodmart_wishlist_number’,
    ‘woodmart_wishlist_number’ );
    ./inc/woocommerce.php: add_action(
    ‘wp_ajax_nopriv_woodmart_wishlist_number’, ‘woodmart_wishlist_number’ );

    So you’ll want to reach out to the theme devs and ask they re-evaluate the code. Varnish doesn’t behave like other caching solutions. The good news is this should be an easy fix for them. Basically, Varnish will attempt to cache everyone and everything unless the user is indicated as unique ie: logged in or for example, with Woocommerce, the user has an item in their cart, or for wishlists, a cookie is present. So in this case, if you had the cookie working properly, the user, if they had something in their wishlist, would have that cookie and then the rest of the call would take place and if they didn’t then would stop and allow cached data to be served allowing your site to be faster as ajaxx isn’t being called needlessly.


    Artem Temos


    We are glad to know that you considered using WoodMart for your web-site. I hope you will be happy with it.

    To disable this AJAX request, you need to update the theme firstly. Then, you can create a header with our Header Builder without wishlist widget and this request will no be longer called.

    Kind Regards



    Yes, you’re welcome. This site has been in the works since I purchased the theme in November of last year, and I have just reupped support for your assistance with this matter. I have a header in place I like and have removed the wishlist function in theme settings. After reaching out to Dreamhost support multiple times about near CONSTANT 500 errors, they are saying it’s your theme. Within the private section of my first message I included the site and login credentials, I’d appreciate it if you could take a look.



    I apologize for my frustration which clearly shows in the previous reply. If any unlucky soul faces the same issues (during grand opening weekend no less) it was the jetpack plugin.


    Artem Temos

    In the old version of our theme, the AJAX request is called even if the wishlist is turned off. As we described, you need to update the theme to the latest version to solve this problem.

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