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How to pull in all the Demo Header content

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  • #60935


    Wondering if there was a way to have all the demos in the Header Builder shown. Right now it seems to only get created when you import a specific theme style. Can you provide the code snippets that we can use to import each header area?

    Same for Html Blocks and Sidebar widgets





    Your question is not clear anough. How are you going to apply all the headers demo? Navigate to Base Import and make demo import. You can make a few imports, you can import this then that one, however, your site will have one demo active. Then in Header builder, you will see a few headers templates http://prntscr.com/jq8u00

    Best Regards



    I know I won’t be able to use all the Header Demos, but I’d like to experiment to see which one I like with a different demo. I have no way of using other ones from demo without first importing the actual related demo. I was hoping you can export all the ones that you showed in the screenshot and attach it as a text file with each one indicating which is which. I think this will be very useful to me if I were to play around with the theme’s header demo content w/ different variations of the theme demo. Like I may not like the new magazine header and rather use a different one from a different demo. That’s how and why I’ll need to have them all, even though I’ll only use one. Hope that makes more sense.



    You can find files for header demos in inc/dummy-content > chose the demo > find header file with json extension.

    Open the file with any editor and copy the content, then paste it into WooDmart > Headeer Builder > Import > insert into the field and import http://prntscr.com/jqj1af

    Best Regards

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