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Header Banner – not finding HTML block

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  • #618219


    Hey there,

    any idea what could be the reason why I cannot search / find a HTML block for the Header Banner. I can manually add it as text with the shortcode to the HTML block, but search does not find it.

    It’s not critical but annoying when I have to swap banners at times.

    Thanks for any hint on this

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    I just learned it’s the entire search not working for HTML Blocks. All other post types work. I also learned its specific to the site, as I can’t reproduct it on a test site with WoodMart

    e.g. searching for “Tab” leads to this URL

    So it sounds more like some compatibility issue here



    I figured it out – it’s related to the Relevansi plugin

    There is a setting:

    > Use Relevanssi for admin searches.
    If checked, Relevanssi will be used for searches in the admin interface. The page search doesn’t use Relevanssi, because WordPress works like that.

    Now back to you – do you think it’s related to WoodMart? Is WoodMart not allowing something that other post types of WordPress allow? Or is something off with Relevansi and they cannot search the WoodMart HTML Block posts


    Artem Temos


    Please provide us with your admin access so we can log in and check this on your end.

    Thank you in advance.



    Forgot to update you .. I figured something else out. It’s also happening to other CPT. It’s not only WoodMart’s “HTML Block” post type. I created a FAQ CPT and it’s happening there as well.

    → Therefore not WoodMart related

    If someone has the same, here I got the info from Relevanssi

    I disabled the Admin/Backend search in Relevanssi (not even sure what for I would need it). And then it falls back to the native WP search.

    Case closed.

    Sorry, it was not clear wheather its WoodMart or not.


    Artem Temos

    Great, we are glad that you sorted it out. Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

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