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Back To Top Button – Mobile Browser

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  • #6267


    Hi, Just wondering if there was any setting for a back to top button for tablet and phone browsers? Works perfect for desktop. BTW, love your theme, my site is back up and running and better than ever because of your amazing, well thought out theme…


    Artem Temos


    If you want to show this button on smaller devices you can add put this snippet into the Custom CSS area in Theme Settings for mobile devices and desktops

    .scrollToTop {
        display: block;

    PS. Your website looks really good but we suggest you disable some kind of “Smooth scroll” effect plugin. It works buggy on Mac and it is not comfortable to scroll the page.




    Thank you so much you have no idea how relieved I am to get this feedback. I have moved my site across from The7 theme and I would occasionally get a customer complaint about jittery pages on mac, and every bit of trouble shooting I did would never fix it and the Dream Theme would just say there is no issue. And when we would test on mac, we could never replicate the problem.

    I think I have found the culprit – Ultimate Addons for Visual composer by Brainstorm.

    Could I please possibly ask if this has fixed the issue you were experiencing? This has been doing my head in for the last 12 months…

    I have 3 more sites to move across to your theme so there will be 3 more purchases very soon..

    Thanks so much, Lloyd


    Artem Temos

    Unfortunately, we don’t know how to fix this, but we really suggest you just to disable it at all since it is very bad for user experience.

    We are glad to hear that you are going to use our theme for multiple projects. We are going to introduce a promotion sale for multiple purchases. For users who will purchase Basel more than 5 times, we will provide 20% money cashback. If you will purchase them until the end of this week we can propose you 30% discount from 5 licenses 🙂 It means $88.

    Contact us via contact form if you are interested 🙂

    Kind Regards



    Hi, I have completely remove any plugins remaining from previous theme including ultimate add-ons. Is there any possible chance you could please take a quick look at my site to see if this has resolving the Mac bugs / scolling issue?


    I only need x3 more themes at this stage happy to pay full price you guys are great, but I will pass this offer onto some colleagues that will snap them up for sure.

    Thanks again so much…


    Artem Temos

    We just checked on mac and still not working and ultimate addons are still including their scripts for smooth scrolling.




    I know I am pushing my luck I promise this is last question I am just at my wits end trying to fix this bug. I am more than happy to pay a fee for a reply, I have deleted Ultimate Addons completely, cleaned database, and I cant find any reference to it or smooth scrolling in the page source. Other forums have pointed out this program causing the bug, so if I have successfully removed it I am in hope my bug is finally gone.

    Can you just direct me to where you see the reference to ultimate addons? Is it possible my site is in your browser cache…

    Sorry for asking, everything else is perfect.



    Artem Temos

    Bug is still there. Please provide us your admin access so we could see maybe some other plugins are causing this.




    Thank you more than you can imagine. Send me a PayPal email I can send some money for your time is $100aud adequate?


    Artem Temos


    Last time it seems to be our mistake since it was caused by our browser cache. So the problem is fixed by disabling Ultimate addons plugin and now your website works correctly on Mac 🙂

    It would be very kind of you if you want to pay for our time and it doesn’t matter what amount you will send since we didn’t tell you the price before 🙂 Here is our PayPal [email protected]

    Kind Regards



    HI I am so grateful for your help with this, you have no idea. I will transfer some money to you today from [email protected]

    Thanks again, you guys deserve all the success that comes your way…


    Artem Temos

    Thank you very much 🙂 Fell free to contact us if you will have any additional questions.

    Kind Regards

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