Where can I modify the checkout template? Do not enable “Ship to a different address?” by default. This will make the form too long and no one is willing to fill it out. You can take a look at the screenshot of my Facebook ad. Many people add to cart, but no one fills in the payment information. This shows that there is a huge problem with this checkout page. Can the Billing details be changed to the delivery address, and Ship to Billing address be disabled by default?
I have installed WooPayments and PayPal payment methods. What do you think of WooPayments’ payment method? Is it the reason why there is so little payment information added? I found that WooPayments is just a wrapper of Stripe. Would it be better for me to install Stripe?
WooCommerce has a new checkout function, not through the short code. Is it the latest version? But why is it not compatible with your theme? It is confusing, as shown in the screenshot. If it is not confusing, will the payment experience be better?
Why is the new version of https://timelesstar.com/checkout1/ messed up, not with the shortcode, but with the new drag-and-drop blocks? How can I make it un-messy?
I have found a place where “Ship to a different address?” is unchecked by default, but the new checkout1 page https://timelesstar.com/checkout1/ created by Checkout Blocks is still messy. I want to compare which of these two checkout pages has a better user experience.